• We will PLUS new value to the ocean shipping industry and society

  • News


    TOKYO—Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (MOL; President & CEO: Takeshi Hashimoto) today announced that...
    DAIBIRU CORPORATION (President & CEO: Takashi Maruyama; Headquarters: Kita-ku, Osaka) today...
    TOKYO—MOL PLUS Co., Ltd. (CEO: Takuya Sakamoto; Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo) today announced...
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  • About

    MOL PLUS Co.,Ltd.

    Company name

    Takuya Sakamoto


    Head office Tokyo

    UK desk London 

    SG desk Singapore

    India desk Mumbai

    Daibiru desk Tokyo/Osaka


    • Investment in startup companies
    • Promotion of collaboration with MOL Group businesses


    26 Apr 2021


    Wholly owned by MOL


    JPY 4 billion

    Investment ceiling

    Early/Middle stage of Start-ups

    Investment to

  • Message

    Create a new form of Ocean Shipping Business

    Ocean Shipping, it's "the transportation of cargo around the world by a large vessel". Mitsui O.S.K. Lines remains proud of its core business. At the same time, it is also necessary to re-define the ocean shipping industry from the perspective of the SDGs. MOL PLUS will make a new challenge ; Creating a new form of ocean shipping business.

    We will PLUS new value to the ocean shipping industry and society

    What is the real needs for society in today's rapidly changing world? MOL PLUS will create new businesses that “PLUS” some new value to the ocean shipping industry and society.

    For the growth of Startups, MOL PLUS aims to generate synergetic effects with long term eye

    Implementing innovative technologies and business ideas in society is not something that can be achieved in short time vision. Persistent steps lead to the creation of new value. MOL PLUS will be involved in the decision-making process for investing in Start-ups, as well as supporting Start-ups after the investment, from the perspective of the growth of Start-ups.

  • Domain

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    MOL PLUS aims to generate synergetic effects by combining innovative ideas and technologies from startup companies with MOL Group resources to create new businesses.




    ①Upgrading at Ocean Shipping Business and Logistics ・・・

    Digitization, Automation, Reduced Environmental Impact 


    ② Creation of New Businesses・・・

    ・Environment & Sustainability (Renewable Energy, Decarbonization)

    ・Blue Economy (Maritime Renewable Energy, Aquaculture)

    ・Deeptech (Space, Mobility, New Material, Food tech, Healthcare, Biotech)

  • Team



    Takuya Sakamoto

    Chief Executive Officer

    Investment and collaboration projects

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    Yuta Jinji

    General Manager

    (Investment / Growth manager)

    Investment and collaboration projects

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    Tomonori Nakamura

    General Manager

    (Investment / Growth manager)

    Investment and collaboration projects

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    Kentaro Masumoto

    Growth Manager

    Investment and collaboration projects

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    Ryoko Kozuma

    Growth Manager

    Investment and collaboration projects

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    Hiroaki Kato

    Growth Manager

    Investment and collaboration projects

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    Ryo Yakubo

    Growth Manager (Intern)

    Investment and collaboration projects


    Kanae Shimizu

    Corporate Manager

    PR, HR, Administration, Legal, Account, Finance


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    Kayoko Tsuji

    Corporate Expert

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    Jin Yamasaki

    Bridge Manager

    Technical Desk

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    Yasuhisa Tsubata


    General advice on CVC management


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    Alex Green

    Growth Manager

    Investment and collaboration projects

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    Henry Smith

    Growth Manager

    Investment and collaboration projects


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    Alvin Seng

    Head of Singapore Desk

    Growth Manager

    Investment and collaboration projects


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    Capt. Shantanu Singh

    Head of India Desk

    Growth Manager

    Investment and collaboration projects

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    Ryosuke Miyanishi

    Growth Manager

    Investment and collaboration projects


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    Kohei Sunazawa

    Growth Manager

    Investment and collaboration projects

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    Shosuke Chigusa

    Growth Manager

    Investment and collaboration projects

  • Contact

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  • Access

    TOKYO  1-1 Toranomon 2-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8688, Japan

          TEL: +81-3-3587-7643

  • LONDON  10th floor, 3 Thomas More Square, London E1W 1WY, UK

  • SINGAPORE  5 Shenton Way #16-03 UIC Building SINGAPORE 068808

  • INDIA  Unit No. 53A, 5th Floor, Kalpataru Square Off. Andheri Kurla Road, Kondivita Lane, Andheri (east), Mumbai – 400059

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